Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles / genres are included.
A small selection of hymns which are, or may be, still copyright are also included where they are a particularly good for for the theme(s).
Suggestions about other free-to-use hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Seasonal note
When the the Solemnity of St Peter and Paul (29 June) is on a Sunday, its Mass is used instead. Also, bishops in some countries choose to observe the feast on the nearest Sunday.Readings
First: I Kings 19:16, 19-21 - Elijah calls Elisha to follow him - and allows Elisha to first farewell his family.Psalm: 15 - It is you who are my portion and cup / Preserve me, God I take refuge in you / I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel / And so my heart rejoices / You will show me the path of life.
Second: Galatians 5:1, 13-18 - You were called to liberty, but take care to serve one another in works of love. The whole commandment is summarised as "Love your neighbour as yourself".
Gospel: Luke 9:51-62 - Jesus takes the road for Jerusalem - those who he asks to follow him all have other things to do first.
Following and serving Christ.Free-use art
See lectionary art for this Sunday for suggested pictures and art-works based on today's readings.Free-use hymns
A Mighty Fortress is our GodAll People That on Earth Do Dwell
Be Thou my Vision
Come Christians Join to Sing
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
God is my Strong Salvation
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
My Song is Love Unknown
O Bless the Lord my Soul (Watts)
O Jesus I have Promised
Psalm 15 - Music for Mass setting
Take up Thy Cross
When Christ our Lord to Andrew Cried
Hymns which may still be copyright
Can we Love - Booth
Leave your Country and Your People - Jabusch
The Summons - Bell / Maule
'The summons' would be a good music choice
ReplyDelete'Summons' in tune to Kelving Grove would be a good one.