Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing - sometimes in a limited setting. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles and genres are included.
A small selection of hymns that are still copyright may also be included if they are particularly relevant.
Suggestions about other free-to-use hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
First: Genesis 18:1-10 - The Lord appears to Abraham. He is welcomed, and a feast is prepared for. The visitor enquires after Sarah, and promises that she will have a son within a year.Psalm: 14 - The just will live in the presence of the Lord / Lord who shall dwell on your holy mountain / He who does no wrong to his brother / He who keeps his pledge
Second: Colossians 1:24-28 - I became the servant of the Church when God made me responsible for delivering God's message to you ... the message which was a mystery for generations is now revealed - Christ among you is now revealed
Gospel: Luke 10:38-42 - Martha welcomes Jesus into her home, and is distracted with the serving - her sister Mary sat at his feet and listened, Jesus says this is the better part.
Hospitality, service. Recognizing and welcoming Jesus as as our friend.Free-use art for this week

Free-use hymns
A New CommandmentBe Still and Know that I Am God
Be Still my Soul
Christ be with Me
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
God is Love (and the one who lives in love)
Hail to the Lord's Anointed
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
I Received the Living God
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Lord Enthroned in Heavenly Splendour
My God I Love Thee
O God our Help in Ages Past
Jesu Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Psalm 14 - Music for Mass setting
The Lord's my Shepherd
To do Your Will
We Walk by Faith
Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
Hymns which may still be copyright
Martha and Mary - Kearney
To Be in Your Presence - Richards
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