Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing - sometimes in a limited setting. Many of these hymns are old / traditional - but where possible a variety of styles and genres are included. A small selection of hymns that are still copyright may be included in they are particularly relevant.
Suggestions about hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a comment below.
First: II Kings 5:14-17 - Naaman the leper is healed in the Jordan after following Elisha's instructions. He returns to Elisha, and acknowledges there is no God except the Lord.Psalm: 97 - The Lord has shown his salvation to the nations / Sing a new song to the Lord / The Lord has made known his salvation / All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Second: II Timothy 2:8-13 - Paul reflects that he is suffering - but they cannot chain up God's good news ... If we have died with him then we shall live with him.
Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 - Jesus heals the ten lepers - only one returns to give God thanks. ... Go, your faith has saved you.
Gratefulness. Suffering. Recognizing God. Thankfulness. God's faithfulness in spite of our unfaithfulness.Art for this week

Free-use hymns
All Glory be to God on HighAll People that on Earth Do Dwell
All You Who Seek a Comfort Sure
Amazing Grace
Balm in Gilead
Be Still and Know
Come Ye Thankful People Come
For the Beauty of the Earth
Great God of Boundless Mercy
Jesu Lover of my Soul
My Soul is Filled with Joy (Magnificat)
Now Thank we All our God
O God our Help in Ages Past
Praise Him when the Sun Goes Down
Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him
Psalm 97 - Music for Mass setting
Sing Praise to God who Reigns Above
Take my Hand Precious Lord
The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
Where are the Nine
Your Hands O Lord in Days of Old
Hymns that may still be copyright
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart - Smith
Silver and Gold have I None
Song of the Ten Lepers (author unknown, tune ST CATHERINE)
Silver and Gold have I None
Song of the Ten Lepers (author unknown, tune ST CATHERINE)
Ten Lepers (Ten men lepers in a Hebrew town) - Winter
See also ...
- Catholic lectionary-hymns for Sundays & feasts
- Sources of music for church services
- Catholic Mass planning template
- Music selection worksheet
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