Unfortunately this isn't true.
This article explains the differences and similarities between the organ and other keyboard instruments, and recommends books and on-line resources for beginner or cross-instrument / reluctant organists.
The difference between the piano and the organ
The piano, organ and keyboard are very different instruments. The key difference between them is type of instrument, and the way they make sound:- A piano is a percussion instrument: Lift the lid, and you can probably see the small hammers which hit a string when you press a key.
- An pipe organ is a wind instrument: It has a set of pipes and a bellows, and when you hit a key "things" inside the organ cause some of the air from the bellow to be blown through the correct pipe(s).
- A digital organ is an electronic instrument. Superficially it looks like a pipe organ and (tries to) sound like one, but inside it uses electronics, not bellows, to produce sounds when the player presses a key or control.
As well, organs:
- Have stops (controlled by buttons) which change the sound by changing which pipes air is blown into
- Don't have sustain pedal - but do keep sounding a note until you release the key
- Usually have keys on separate boards for each hand: each board is called a manual, and mostly each manual has fewer keys on it than a piano
- Usually have a keyboard for the feet too, called a pedalboard
- Have a swell pedal, controlled by the right foot, which (roughly speaking) controls the volume.
That said, all three instruments are played using a white and black buttons which are arranged in much the same way. There's a lot of basic music knowledge and some keyboard technique in common between the three of them. It's very likely that if you can play a piano or electronic keyboard, then you can coax a tune out of an organ, too.
But learning how the organ works, how to play it well and how to use it effectively in a church setting is quite different. Finding an organ teacher is highly recommended, as well as negotiating regular practise time on an organ you can access: very few people have an organ in their home.
The following is a list of resources which some people have found useful, especially in situations when an organ instructor isn't readily available.
Video resources
The American Guild of Organists commissioned a series of 30 videos to provide instruction for proficient piano-players who are transitioning to play the organ. All are free to watch on YouTube.Books for learning the organ
In no particular order, these books have been recommended by experienced
church organists.
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This is an English Royal School of Church Music handbook, written by
Janette Cooper, specifically for pianists who have agreed to play the organ
in church.
It includes information about the typical layout and structure of an organ, approaches to using the pedals (or not), using registration settings and approaches to rhythm.
It includes information about the typical layout and structure of an organ, approaches to using the pedals (or not), using registration settings and approaches to rhythm.
Play the Organ: A Beginner's Tutor
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The book is ring-bound, so that it sits on a music-stand without closing.
It assumes that you are starting at the very beginning, and covers
keyboard skills and music-reading.
Play the Organ Volume 2
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It has in-depth material about manual-playing, the pedal-board and hymn playing techniques, and some advice about registration and improvisation
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Tutor Book for Volunteer Organists: A guide for pianists who have volunteered to play the organ for services in their church
Exactly as stated, this book is about the skills and knowledge needed to enjoy
switching from playing piano to organ in a church setting.
The author is a very experienced organist, and runs UK-based courses for volunteer organists, including distance-learning courses.
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Little Organ Book This compact book by Belgian organ-teacher, Flor Peeters includes the most important parts of his classic 3-volume course "Ars Organi".
It assumes that the reader has good keyboard skills, and moves quickly through the material.
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Organ practice: The Anne Marsden Thomas Guide This book, published by the Royal School of Church Music and written by an accomplished organist, focusses on how to effectively practice a musical instrument.
It is based on learning the organ, but many of the techniques presented apply equally well to other instruments.
This is just a small selection of the organ tutor publications which are available: the books listed above have been purchased by readers of this website site and/or recommended by experienced church musicians, some professional organists, some volunteers who play organ occasionally to meet specific needs.
In choosing a tutor book always consider your prior knowledge, to get material which will meet your needs.
Other resources for church organists
- Some church musician support groups, especially the American Organists Guild, or its equivalent in your country.
- The Reluctant Organist website/blog: focused specifically on the pianist-turned-church-organist.
- The Mander Organ forum - a discussion board run by an organ manufacturer, for the serious organist.
- The Organ Forum - a general-purpose organ forum, not just for church organs.
- YouTube - Many many organists have posted videos of themselves playing different models. Much can be learned from watching these. Searching for the tune-name of a a hymn, and the words "instrumental" and "organ" usually gives several options, at least.
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