"Free-to-use" means the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing - sometimes in a limited setting. Many of these hymns are old / traditional - but where possible a variety of styles and genres are included. A small selection of hymns which are still copyright re also included.
Suggestions about hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
World Day for the Sick was instituted in 1992, as a day for remembering the sick and those who care for them.
Because it is a fixed date (11 Feb), the readings for the day vary. Therefore the hymn suggestions below are based on the general themes of Lourdes and caring for the sick, rather than any particular lectionary readings. This can be quite a challenging theme, because of the very wide range of situations that sick people and their caregivers may be in (terminal illness, chronic illness, short-term situations).
Caring for caregivers.
Hail all Hail Great Queen of Heaven
Immaculate Mary / Mother
Abide with Me
Awake Awake Fling off the Night
Be Still and Know
Be Still my Soul
Be Thou my Vision
For all thy Saints Still Active
Glory to Thee my God this Night
God be in my Head
About Our Lady of Lourdes
At Lourdes in France, Mary appeared to a young girl in 1858, under the title "the Immaculate Conception". Today, Lourdes is a place of pilgrimage, faith and healing, and 11 February is an "optional memorial" feast day for Our Lady of Lourdes.World Day for the Sick was instituted in 1992, as a day for remembering the sick and those who care for them.
Because it is a fixed date (11 Feb), the readings for the day vary. Therefore the hymn suggestions below are based on the general themes of Lourdes and caring for the sick, rather than any particular lectionary readings. This can be quite a challenging theme, because of the very wide range of situations that sick people and their caregivers may be in (terminal illness, chronic illness, short-term situations).
Lourdes - Suffering, Making communities and civil society more sensitive to people who are sick.Caring for caregivers.
Free-use Hymns
Lourdes-specific hymns
The Bells of the AngelusHail all Hail Great Queen of Heaven
Immaculate Mary / Mother
General health / healing / sickness / caregiving focussed hymns:\
A New CommandmentAbide with Me
At Even, ere the Sun was Set - Twells
Awake Awake Fling off the Night
Be Still and Know
Be Still my Soul
Be Thou my Vision
For all thy Saints Still Active
Glory to Thee my God this Night
God be in my Head
God Who Longs to Make us Whole
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer
I Cannot Tell
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Jesu Lover of my Soul
Just for Today
Lead Kindly Light
Lord Jesus Think on Me
Lord Thy Word Abideth
My God Accept my Heart This Day
The Lord's my Shepherd
O God Our Help in Ages Past
O Jesus Christ Remember
Steal Away to Jesus
Sweet Saviour Bless us as we Go
The King of Love my Shepherd Is
Holy Mary Full of Grace
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer
I Cannot Tell
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Jesu Lover of my Soul
Just for Today
Lead Kindly Light
Lord Jesus Think on Me
Lord Thy Word Abideth
My God Accept my Heart This Day
The Lord's my Shepherd
O God Our Help in Ages Past
O Jesus Christ Remember
Steal Away to Jesus
Sweet Saviour Bless us as we Go
The King of Love my Shepherd Is
Lourdes hymns which may still be copyright
The Lourdes MagnificatHoly Mary Full of Grace
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