Hymns for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

A selection of free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) hymns and song suggestions, based on themes from the Roman Catholic lectionary for the eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A.

"Free-to-use" means the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing - sometimes in a limited setting.  Many of these hymns are old / traditional - but where possible a variety of styles and genres are included.

A small selection of hymns that are still copyright may also be included, if they are particularly appropriate.

Suggestions about other free-to-use hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

Seasonal note

In some years, this Sunday is on the 6th of August so it is replaced by the Feast of the Transfiguration.


First: Isaiah 55:1-3 - O come to the water you who are thirsty ... come and eat

Psalm 144 - You open wide your hand O Lord / The Lord is kind and full of compassion / The eyes of all creatures look to you / The Lord is just in all his ways.

Second: Romans 8:35, 37-39 -  ... neither death nor life, no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come ... can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus.

Gospel: Matthew  13:13-21 - The miracle of the loaves and fishes.


God as source of all that is good - God who feeds us.

Free-use artwork

See lectionary art for this Sunday for suggested pictures and art-works based on today's readings.

Free-use hymns

Alleluia, Sing to Jesus

At the Lamb's High Feast we Sing

Break Thou the Bread of Life

Come and Let us Drink of That New River

Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

I Sing the Mighty Power of God

Let us Break Bread Together

Love Divine all Loves Excelling

My Shepherd will Supply my Need - Watts

Now Thank we all Our God

O Bread of Heaven Beneath this Veil

O Food of Travellers, Angels' Bread

O Living Bread from Heaven

The King of Love my Shepherd Is

There's a Wideness in God's Mercy

Suggested hymns which may still be copyright

Come to the Feast - Hurd / Cortez / Moriarty

Come to the Water - Andersen

Come to the Water - Foley

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  1. Come to The Feast and also Come To The Water are perfect for the first reading I can't believe they didn't just jump out at you.

    1. Indeed, they certainly did jump out. But they're both still under copyright, and for now the listings here are all of free-use hymns. A section listing hymns that are a direct match for the day's scriptures may be added soon, and these would be great candidates.


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