Hymns for Confirmation ceremonies

A selection of hymns and songs, suitable for Confirmation liturgies.

Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles / genres are included.

A small selection of hymns which are, or may be, still copyright are also included where they are a particularly good for for the sacrament of confirmation..


Scripture readings for a confirmation liturgy are usually:
  • From the Mass of the day, when the Confirmation Mass is held on a Sunday (or Saturday vigil) in Advent, Lent or Easter, or on a Solemnity
  • From one of the Ritual Masses for Confirmation when it is held on another day.

If the Sunday readings are used, you may also check the hymn suggestions for that day. During seasons of the year, you need to balance between music appropriate for the season and songs and hymns invoking the Holy Spirit.


The power and action of the Holy Spirit.  Commitment.   Sending forth.

Free-use hymns

All Who Would Valiant Be
Amazing Grace
At that first Eucharist
Be Still and Know that I am God
Be Thou my Vision

Christ be With Me
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blessed
Come Holy Ghost Creator Come
Come thou Holy Spirit Come - Caswall
Creator Spirit by Whose Aid

Hail Thee Festival Day
Holy Spirit Breathe on Me   
Holy Spirit Come and Shine
Holy Spirit, Lord of Light
Holy Spirit Lord of Love
Holy Spirit Truth Divine

O Breathe on me, O Breath of God
O Christ the Great Foundation
O Holy Spirit Enter In
O Holy Spirit, Now Descend on Me - Forsyth
O How Good is the Lord
O Jesus I have Promised

Soul of my Saviour
Spirit Divine Attend Our Prayers
Take my Life and Let it Be
The Church’s One Foundation
The Lord's my Shepherd
Veni Creator Spiritus

Hymns which are or may still be copyright

Abba Father Send your Spirit - Vissing
All who Hunger - Moore / Dunstan
Baptized in Water - Saward (This is to the same tune as "Morning has Broken")
Blessed be God Who Chose you in Christ - Chepponis

Christ be our Light - Farrell
Come and Fill this Temple - Friesen
Come Down O Love Divine    (the words are copyright in most countries, but the most commonly-used tune is not)
Come, Holy Spirit, Wind and Fire - Hommerding
Come, O Holy Spirit -  Alstott (tune HYMN TO JOY)
Come O Spirit of God - Manalo

Draw Near - Janco
Enemy of Apathy - Bell
Enter the Journey (ref)
Filled With the Spirit’s Power - Peacey
Fire of God Undying Flame - Bayley

Gifts of the Spirit / When Our Lord Walked the Earth - Bell / Maule (ref)
Gifts of the Spirit - Wilcock (ref)
Go make of all Disciples - Adkins
Go Tell Everyone- Richards
Go Ye Out - Booth
God has Chosen Me - Farrell
God of Love - Inwood

Holy Sacred Spirit - Brown (ref)
Holy Spirit Come Confirm Us - Brian Fole
Holy Spirit Come to Me
Holy Spirit of Fire - Mangan 

I have been Anointed - Warner
I Heard the Lord call my Name
I Say "Yes, my Lord" 
Life-giving Bread Saving Cup - Chepponis
Jesus, lead us to the Father by your Spirit - Hargreaves

Let it Breathe on Me  
Lift High the Cross
Like the Dewfall - Stanley
Lord, you Give the Great Commission - Rowthorn
Love is His Word
Love One Another - Chepponis
May You Walk (ref)

O Holy Spirit, by Whose Breath - Grant
O Spirit all Embracing - Dufner
One More Step Along the World I Go
One Spirit, One Church - Keil

Seed Scattered and Sown - Feiten
Send Down the Fire of your Justice - Haugen
Send us Your Spirit - Schutte (ref)
Send us the Rain Lord - Wellington
Shepherd me, O God - Haugen
Shepherd of our Hearts - Chepponis
Shine Jesus Shine - Kendrick
Spirit Come Down (ref)
Spirit of God - Farrell
Spirit of God in the Clear Running Water
Spirit of God Within Me - Dudley-Smith
Spirit of Holiness, Wisdom and Faithfulness - Idle

Take, O Take me as I Am - Bell
Taste and See - Various settings
The Cup of Salvation - Janco
The Gift of the Holy Spirit - Boschetti (ref)
The Spirit of God Rests Upon Me - Deiss
The Spirit sends us Forth - Dufner
The Summons - Bell

Ubi Caritas - Hurd
Ubi Caritas - Taizé

Veni Sancte Spiritus - Taizé
Welcome Holy Spirit - Bedsvaag
When Jesus Came to Jordan

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