Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles / genres are included.
A small selection of hymns which are, or may be, still copyright are also included where they are a particularly good for for the theme(s).
Suggestions about other free-to-use hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Seasonal note
St Mark’s Gospel is the main one used in Year B. But in Year B, between late July and the end of August, the Gospel is mostly from John 6, presenting Jesus as the Bread of Life. If you are planning music for Sunday Masses, it may be helpful to view these weeks as one season, spreading your known "Bread-of-life" themed hymns through the period.Readings
First: I Kings 19:4-8 : Elijah in the wilderness, strengthen by the food God provided on his journey to HorebPsalm: Psalm 33 - Taste and see that the Lord is good / I will bless the Lord at all times
Second: Ephesians: 4:30 - 5:2 - how to treat other people - by loving them as Christ loved you
Gospel: John 6:41-51 - Jesus' explains that he is the bread of life, we are called by the Father and it is Jesus who will raise us up.
Bread of life - God provides for us and calls usGod's providence - Jesus as the bread of life - called to live anew - taste and see God - conversion - putting faith into practise
See lectionary art for this Sunday for suggested pictures and art-works based on today's readings.Free-use hymn suggestions
All Creatures of our God and KingAlleluia, Sing to Jesus
At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
Bread of the World in Mercy Broken
Come and Take the Flesh of Christ
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer
I Received the Living God
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Let us Break Bread Together on our Knees
Lord Accept this Bread and Wine
O Bread of Heaven
O Bread of Life from Heaven
O Living Bread from Heaven
O Sacrament most Holy
Soul of my Saviour
Stay with us Lord We Pray You
The Church's One Foundation
Hymns that are or may be copyright
All Who Hunger - DunstanBlessed Jesus Living Bread - Valja
Eat This Bread - Taize
Gift of Finest Wheat
In Bread we Bring You Lord - Nichols
Jesus Bread of Life - McKenna
Let the Hungry Come to Me - Dufner
Let us Break Bread Together at the Altar - Blue
We are the Body of Christ - Hillebrand
I AM the Bread of Life - SuZanne Toolan