- One row for each service
- Spaces for the date and name of the event, feast or liturgical calendar day.
- Three columns for participant information.
- Initially these are labelled Co-ordinator, Musician(s), Audio-visual. Change them to suit your local needs (eg you may need Choir Cantor, Animator, Organist, Worship Leader, etc)
To download a file, click a link above. You’ll be taken to a page were can either dowload the file onto your own computer, or save it to your own Google Drive (if you are logged in to a Google account now) or print it.
How to use the template
- Replace the LiturgyTools.net logo in the top left corner with the logo or name of your own church or organisation (optional)
- Write the time period covered into the top right corner
- Write in the dates that you want to cover
- Write in the names of feast days or other events in the time period that the roster is covering.
- Write in the details of the musicians and others who are involved in particular services
Leave the template in a known place, for people to volunteer for services and roles that suit their calendar.
- Use the blank section at the bottom to add in special notices, or notes about when people are or aren't available.
Adding and removing columns or rows
You may need to add extra items or to delete some, to make this roster suitable for your church. Doing this is simple, because the template is made with a Table. To add or remove a whole line,- Select the whole line above or below
- Right click
- Chose Insert or Delete
- Choose either Row Above, Row Below (to add a line) or Delete Row (for to remove it)
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