Some are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) songs and hymns - meaning that the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. But because many such hymns are are old/traditional, there is a second section with lists hymns about peace which may still be copyright.
Hymns about peace take various forms. They may:
- Petition God, asking for healing / peace / justice in specific situations
- Thank or praise God for peace
- Ask for help with peace-making activities
- Name and raise awareness of justice issues which are known to stir up the opposite of peaceful relationships between people.
- Reflect on aspects of peace.
There are a number of songs which have a simple structure, with most words the same in every verse except for a particular quality (eg joy, love, hope, peace). These aren't included, except where they are specifically associated firstly with peace.
Suggestions about hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a comment below.
Free-use hymns about peace
- Behold the Mountain of the Lord
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- His Banner over me is Love (verse 2)
- In Christ There Is No East Or West
- Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun (verse 4)
- Like a River Glorious - Frances Ridley Havergal
- Lord Make me an Instrument of Peace (tune O WALY WALY)
- O God of Love O King of Peace
- O Perfect Love
- Peace is Flowing Like a River
- Peace it is I
- Peace Like a River
- Peace Perfect Peace (in this dark world of sin)
- Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name we Raise
- Shalom my Friend
- Sing with all the Saints in Glory
- The Peace of the Earth
- The Vine and Fig Tree
Hymns about peace which may still be copyright
- A Hymn of Peace (This is my song) - Stone
- Behold a Broken World - Dudley-Smith
- Bring Peace to Earth Again - Stuempfle
- Called to Shed Light - Fawcett
- Calm me Lord
- Christ be our Light
- Come and Find the Quiet Centre- Murray
- For the healing of the Nations - Kaan
- Forth in the Peace of Christ we Go - Quinn
- Gather Around for the Table is Spread - Hollowway
- Give me Peace O Lord - White
- Go in Peace - Nazareth
- God be With You Till we Meet Again- Hughes
- God of Mercy You Have Shown Us - Gilette
- Hail the Long-awaited Son - Pluth
- I'll go with You to the End of the World - Watcyn-Jones
- In the Lord is my Joy - Rizza
- Lay Your Hands - Landry
- Lest we Forget - Forster
- Let There Be Peace On Earth - Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller
- Lord Make me a Means of Your Peace - Foley
- Lord Make me an Instrument of Thy Peace - O'Hare
- My Peace I Leave You
- My Soul is Longing for Your Peace - Deiss
- O Day of Peace that Dimly Shines - Daw
- O God of Love - Bolduc
- O God who Gives the Fertile Seed - Dudley-Smith (verses 2 and 4)
- One more Step along the World I Go
- Peace I Leave with You - Madden
- Peace I Leave with You (You are my Friend) - unknown
- Peace in the Valley - Dorsey
- Peace is the Gift - Glynn
- Peace Perfect Peace - Mayhew
- Prayer of St Francis (Make me a channel of your peace) - Temple
- Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands - Kaan (sung to ST COLUMBA)
- Save Us, Lord, from War’s Illusions - Garland - tune BEACHSPRING
- Show me how to Stand for Justice - Leckebusch
- Take the Word of God with You - Harrison
- The Peace of God - Farrell
- When I Needed a Neighbour - Carter
- When our Song Says Peace - Leach
- This we can do for Justice and for Peace - Wren
- You are the Bread of Life - Leckebusch
- You Lord are in This Place - David Adam
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