The list in in two sections: the first part lists hymns tahta er free-to-use, ie public domain or copyright-free, meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. The second section lists hymns that are still copyright, but are especially suitable, may also be included.
Further suggestions are welcome: please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
About Advent
The season of Advent is a time of expectant waiting: not penitential, but still more restrained than either Ordinary Time before it, or the Christmas season.There are a number of themes in the Advent readings in each year of the liturgical calendar, including preparing a way for the Lord, and imploring him to "come".
These suggestions are appropriate for the entire season, rather than being directly tied to the readings on a particular day.
Free-use hymns
- Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies - Wesley
- Come my Way, my Truth, my Life
- Come O Divine Messiah
- Come Saviour Come Like Dew (Rorate Caeli)
- Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
- Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth
- Comfort Comfort Ye my People
- Comfort O Comfort, O my People
- Creator of the Stars of Night (Creator Alme Siderum)
- Fling wide the Gates
- Gabriel's Message (The Angel Gabriel)
- Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
- Hark! A herald voice is calling
- Hark, how the Banks of Jordan Ring
- Hark the Glad Sound the Saviour Comes - Doddridge
- Hills of the North Rejoice
- Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Lift up your Heads Ye Mighty Gates (Psalm 24)
- Like the Dawning of the Morning
- Lo ! He comes with Clouds Descending
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- O Heavenly Word Eternal Light
- O Jesus Christ Remember
- Of One that is so Fair and Bright
- Of the Father's Love Begotten
- On Jordan’s Bank
- Prepare the Way, O Zion
- Saviour of the Nations Come
- Sing we the Praises of the Great Forerunner
- The Advent of our King / The Advent of our God
- The Cherry Tree Carol (for very late in Advent)
- The Coming of our God
- The Day is Surely Drawing Near
- The Great Forerunner of the Morn
- The King shall come when Morning Dawns
- The Race that Long in Darkness Pined
- The Voice of God is Calling (public domain in the US only, author died in 1964)
- This Advent Moon Shines Cold and Clear (CPDL setting) - suitable for Northern hemisphere only
- Thou Whose Almighty Word
- Thy Kingdom Come on Bended Knee - Hosmer
- Wake, Awake Fling off the Night
- Wake, Awake for Night is Flying
- Wake, O Wake with Tidings Thrilling
- We Long to See Thee So
Hymns that may still be copyright
- A Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness
- A Voice in the Wilderness - Robinson
- Advent Candles tell their Story - Earey
- Advent Gathering - Cooney
- Advent Ring - Bell
- Advent Song (ref) - Browne / Wood
- Arise Jerusalem - Stotter
- At the First Coming of the Lord - Graham
- Awake, Awake, and Greet the New Morn - Haugen
- Awake Awake Fling off the Night - Peacy
- Behold a Rose of Judah
- Behold a Virgin Bearing Him
- Beyond the Moon and Stars - Schutte
- Blest be the God of Israel - Perry
- Candles of Advent - Landry
- Child of the Poor - Super
- Christ Circle Round Us - Schutte
- Christ Come Quickly
- Christ is the World's True Light
- Come Emmanuel - Thomson (ref)
- Come to set us Free - Farrell
- Come Lord Jesus - de Silva (ref)
- Come Lord Jesus - Landry
- Come, Lord Jesus, Come - Mangan
- Come Lord Jesus Come - Mayhew
- Come, O God, of all the Earth (Sing out, earth and skies) - Haugen
- Come, O Jesus Come O Lord - McAuley
- Emmanuel - Angrisano
- Enter in the Wilderness
- Eternal God who Made the Stars - a translation of "Conditor Alme Siderum", translator unknown
- Every Valley
- For you, O Lord (My soul in stillness waits) - Haugen
- Grant to us O Lord
- I Hear a Sound Coming from the Mountain
- In this Time of Waiting - McGregor (ref)
- In this Time of Waiting -Weston Priory (Norbet? - ref)
- Into the Darkness - Dawn
- Joyful In Hope - Herry
- Light One Candle
- Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah - Wold
- Light the Advent Candle
- Like a Sea Without a Shore
- Long Ago Prophets Knew
- Look Toward Christmas - Gibson
- Lord Emmanuel Come (Bright and clear as a trumpet ...)
- Maranatha, Come - O'Brien
- Maranatha Lord Messiah - Powell (ref)
- My Lord he is a-comin' Soon
- My Soul in Stillness Waits
- O Comfort my People
- O Emmanuel - Mangan (ref)
- O Word in Uncreated Light - Forster
- Open the Heavens Lord - Boniwell
- Patience People - Joncas (ref)
- People Look East the Time is Near - Farjeon
- Prepare the Way O Zion - Price
- Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord - various settings, including Gustafson
- Promised Lord and Christ is He - Ruston
- Ready the Way - Hurd
- See How the Virgin Waits
- Sign me up for the Christian Jubilee
- Sing of a Girl in the Ripening Wheat
- Soon and very Soon - Crouch
- Stay Awake - O'Hara
- Stay Awake Be Ready - (for children)
- Take Comfort My People - Warner
- The Maiden and Her Child - Lawton
- The Whole World is Waiting for Love - Misetich
- There was a Man of God (Prepare the Way) - Boniwell
- This is Your Justice - Colson
- Wait for the Lord - Taize
- Waiting For The Child - Michael Mangan
- Waiting in Silence - Landry
- Wake, O Wake! The Night is Dying - Farrell
- Warm the Time of Winter - Duck (northern hemisphere)
- We are Waiting to Welcome Jesus
- We Shall Stay Awake - Hoog and Kelly
- When is He Coming, The Redeemer
- When the King Shall Come Again - Idle
- Wild and Lone the Prophet’s Voice - Daw
- Word of God Come Down on Earth
- Word of Justice (Advent Litany) - Farrell
- You Heavens Sprinkle Dew - Jones
Your site is very useful in as far as selection of hymns is concerned.